Shop/Shed & 46 Acres
Real Estate Contract Price: $210,000
Farm Equipment: 2007 24x7.5' Gooseneck stock trailer hard top (barn kept), 20' H & S feeder wagon, Krause 1415 disc, Krause 32' disc, Heider auger wagon, 10-ton bulk feed bin, (6) heavy duty hay rings, creep feeders, metal feed troughs & corral panels
Bidding Dates
Sep '16
10:00 AM
Central Time (US & Canada)
Preview Dates
Pre-bidding Dates
Checkout Dates
(1) Ten percent (10%) down day of sale with balance due on or before October 28th, 2016. Seller will furnish Buyers a Quit Claim Deed. A title exam & insurance policy will be prepared insuring title to property with cost to be paid by the Buyers. Closing attorney & preparer of title insurance documents will be at the sole discretion of Joe B. Houchens – Broker. (2) Possession of the property with deed. (3) 2016 taxes shall be prorated. (4) All property being sold “as is”. Complete inspection of all property encouraged. (5) Announcements made day of sale take precedence over all prior advertising. All information gathered for this advertising is from reliable sources and is deemed correct, however it is not guaranteed. Purchasers should avail themselves of the opportunity to make necessary personal inspection. (6) Farm Equipment: Cash or check with proper I.D.